CAMOC, ICOM’s International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities was born in Moscow in April 2005 and it is to Moscow we are returning for our anniversary conference hosted by our colleagues at the Museum of Moscow. 

From the 12th century onwards the capital of Russia has united people of different cultures and histories to create a vast, dynamic and diverse world city, and it is thus an ideal location for an international conference on city museums, migrant memory and migrant identity.   

Memory and Migration: Migrants created cities and they continue to give cities shape and meaning. We, and our parents, may have been born and brought up in the city, but we are all in one way or another the children of migrants, migrants from the rural hinterland or from another country, who found the lure of the city irresistible.

Migrants bring memories of their past, their culture and their habits with them. How do they preserve them in another environment, how do they maintain their identity? They may prefer to be absorbed into their new home, but they still bring a former life with them, and diversity and difference give a city its own unique character. 

Migration continually redefines a city’s heritage and narrative, and social media now have the power to create new ‘places’ for discussion on the city and its people, their histories, their human rights, their lives.  No city museum therefore can be indifferent to the impact of migration. These then are the sessions and themes we propose:

Migration and city museums: In this session the focus will be on the role of migrants from the hinterland or from another country in giving shape to the unique characteristics of the city throughout its history.

City museums as places of debate and social involvement in the changing city: How are city museums dealing with migration and memory? What are the issues and the challenges for city museums? What is the role of migration in the creation, history, culture and development of a city? How does the museum involve the migrant? 

The City museum as a Memory Centre and a Place of Inclusion: What is memory? Whose memory does a city museum represent? Every place in our cities has both collective and individual memory and each develops different narratives. What is cultural exclusion and who is excluded? Is it possible to escape exclusion and what is to be done? This session will focus on different ways of working with memory.

City Museums – 10 years together: A number of presentations on exciting and original projects in city museums.

 Does your museum have a project that it is really proud of? Do you think it can be inspiring and interesting for the CAMOC community? Is the topic something many museums around the world are faced with? It is time to present this project to us, sharing efforts, challenges, weaknesses and strengths with colleagues.

The Programme: Our detailed programme, including a full range of receptions and excursions in the city, is now being drawn up, but in the meantime we are inviting you to take an active part in the work of our conference.

To submit a proposal for a presentation: Please send us an abstract of no more than 350 words, as well as a short biography, to camoc2015conference at (contact person Layla Betti, member of the CAMOC’s Executive Board)