Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis, a peer-reviewed journal published by Vilnius Academy of Arts, invites authors to contribute for a special issue devoted to various forms of education in relation to art. The issue aims to bring forward and investigate subjects and problems relevant not only to art education of various levels, but also to the use of art in the educational field in a broad sense, as well as to educational strategies employed by artists in their art practices.

What is the main goal of education: to train or to unfold potentialities, to discipline or to emancipate? In his classical work "Education through Art" (1943) Herbert Read advocated for art as a pivot of democratic education, the objective of which was not to discipline and to shape a person to conform the society, but to emancipate and to educate her/him to become what s/he is. Theoreticians and practitioners of radical pedagogies often take art and various creative practices as a starting point in changing the petrified educational system. The relation between the two here is not, however, one-way: contemporary artists also show an increasing interest in education as a creative strategy, a way of expression and a means of distribution. A lesson, a lecture, a workshop, or an entire school become an utterly convenient form of an artwork. What impact this has on the system of art education and institutions, on different roles an artist takes and on the relationship between her/him and her/his disciples (students)?

The guidelines (but not limits) for the issue:

education in art:

  • pedagogy as a device for artistic practice
  • education as an issue and problem of art
  • artist and educator – a relationship between roles

art education / education for art:

  • art education on various levels, from preschool to university
  • the history of art education
  • the relationship between the fields of culture and education
  • education in art museums and galleries; exhibition and education

education through art:

  • education of creativity: art as a means for various education
  • education and development of communities
  • education as therapy

The issue is edited by dr. Lina Michelkevice. The recommended length for articles is up to 6000 words. Authors are kindly invited to submit article proposals (250–500 words) together with their short bios by emailing to lina.michele(at) The issue is to be published in 2016. All articles are peer-reviewed and subject to EBSCO Publishing lists.