Kanye's Paris apartment
Kanye's Paris apartment - "Architecture," West says. "[Y]ou know, this one Corbusier lamp was like, my greatest inspiration. I lived in Paris in this loft space and recorded in my living room, and it just had the worst acoustics possible, but also the songs had to be super simple, because if you turned up some complicated sound and a track with too much bass, it’s not going to work in that space. This is earlier this year."

Kanye West credits a lamp designed by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier as his muse when he was creating the 2013 album Yeezus, saying "this one Corbusier lamp was like, my greatest inspiration." Like most things Kanye West says, this was both intriguing and somewhat bewildering. During a talk that Kanye gave at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago on Tuesday, he brought up the lamp again, possibly answering some of the questions people may have had about it,while simultaneously raising a few more. For instance, the lamp cost $110,000, give or take. Also, it "was made of rocks and cement," which means it must be this lamp, and Kanye may have overpaid slightly, although that, according to him, was sort of the point.