CLOSE to the village and great temple is an artificial lake called Indrasâgar, with a neat band or dam terraced with steps down to the water. But to the south of the village about a quarter of a mile is a much larger lake, called the Bâgâla or Vâgelâ talâo, formed by a very substantial bănd across the north end of the ravine. It contains some small islands, and stretches its arms up into the dells between the hills that enclose it. On the north-east are some gardens belonging to the temple, and the morning view given in Photograph XV. is taken from one of them, looking towards the south. The scene is one of lonely seclusion and beauty, the mist rising in the distant ravines, and the stately palms reflected in the mirror of the glassy lake enhancing the charms of scenery that in a Western clime would be visited from far and near.