This well is situated in Asárwa, formerly a populous suburb of Ahmedabad, but now more remarkable for beautiful woods. It bears numerous marks of great antiquity, and probably is contemporary with the city of Kurun. As in most of the large wells of Goozerat, the water may be approached by long flights of steps and pillared galleries, the construction of which will be more fully explained hereafter (page 58). The open shafts are here surmounted by light canopies supported by pillrs, which may be seen in the photograph, and on the lowest gallery is a small shrine Mátá Bhowánee, the consort of Shiva, to whom, under attributes resembling those of Isis or Cybele, the well is dedicated.

1. Ancient Well of Mátá Bhowánee  at Asárwa.
1. Ancient Well of Mátá Bhowánee at Asárwa.