© Kanvinde Rai and Chaudhary Archive

The ideas of Gropius and the Bauhaus, as presented in their North American context, were far from aped in India. Gropius' design philosophy, not necessarily his forms, and its application in India is most clearly evident in Kanvide's designs of the ATIRA and PRL buildings.

Detail of West Wall (top) and part-plans
Detail of West Wall (top) and part-plans © Kanvinde Rai and Chaudhary Archive

The functional areas in both buildings are separated although linked; they both have a purity of form and they both use newly developed building technologies. The sunshades on the southern facade run the full course of the building in continuous lines while on the northern facade the fenestration is flush with the wall. In these buildings, Kanvinde introduced the flexible column and beam grid to India. In the Bank of India building (1961) in Bhadra, Ahmedabad, he pioneered the use of the waffle slab.