With painful surprise we received the news that the CEPT campus buildings of the School of Architecture by B V Doshi are being altered (to the degree of being defaced) without his consent. Concurrently we also received the news that Charles Correa's buildings are under threat. These buildings are part of a major historical creative moment of the New Architecture that took place after the WWII and during the postcolonial era. They stand for the identity of the emerging independent nation but they are also unique cultural landmarks of the evolution of humanity. We urge the Ahmedabad Education Society and the CEPT administration, to protect these buildings and instead of letting them be under threat by the creative forces of the new economic reality of India, offer them special conservation attention as part of the Indian, as well as the world culture heritage.

Professor Liane Lefaivre
University of Applied Arts
Vienna, Austria

Professor Alexander Tzonis
TUDelft (Professor Emeritus)