“The Towne and llande of Diu lyeth distant from the ryver Indo 70. miles under 21. degrées, close to the firme land: in times past it belonged to ye King of Cambaia, in whose land an coast it lyeth, where the Portingals by negligence of the Kinge, have built a fortresse, and in processe of time have brought the Towne and the whole Iland under their subiection, and have made it very strong; and [in a manner] invincible, which fortresse hath béene twice besieged by souldiers of Cambaia and their assistants, first in Anno 1539. and secondly in Anno 1546. and hath alwaies béene valiantly defended by the Portingals, as their Chronicles rehearse. This Towne hath a very great Haven, and great traffique, although it hath verye little or nothing [at all] of it selfe; more then the situation of the place, for that it lyeth betwéen Sinde and Cambaia, which Countries are abundant in all kind of things, whereby Diu is alwaies ful of strange nations, as Turks, Persians, Arabians, Armenians, and other countrie people: and it is the best and the most profitable revenue the King hath throughout all India, for that the Banianen, Gusaratten, Rumos and Persians, which traffique in Cambaia, [and from thence] to Mecca, or the red Sea, doe commonly discharge their wares, and take in their lading in Diu, by reason of the situation [thereof], for that it lyeth in the entrance of Cambaia, and from Diu it is shipped [and sent] to Cambaia, and so brought back againe to Diu.”