
Prior to the outbreak of any future riots, the government put out a hasty ordinance that all rioters had to confirm to riot tactics outlined in the Government of India 2009 Manual for Proper Conduct During National Riot, available at the India Publications Division Office, for Rs. 300/- for Hindus, Rs. 400/- for Muslims and Rs. 500/- for all other minorities. Anyone caught without proper Riot Equipment could be sent to jail under Penal Code, Act 7, Para 3C.

Victims for Burning: 

  • Fire is the single most important weapon for the Rioters, and he can begin be setting whole houses ablaze.
  • This tends to bring out the human element in the rioting procedure as stated in Riot Manal 3.1.
  • Once the human element is exposed, it can be made to sit while the rioter empties kerosene on the heads and sets about to prepare the blaze. Care must be taken when burning and terrorising large households, that the rioter doesn't singe his fingers. Caution is critical, especially for first-time rioters as noted in Section 5 of Rioting for Beginners, it is best to let the fire run its course, thereby eliminating evidence and making clean-up much easier.

Ingredients: Family of four, or minimum of three people, 2-3 litre kerosene from Ration Shops, 3" diameter rope, 1 pack matches.

Recipe: Seat family in comfortable but close proximity. Tie if necessary. Pour kerosene lightly on head and clothes ensuring that any gold rings or Rolex watches are safely in the rioter's pocket. When fully soaked, light match, remove ashes and serve on a base of basmati rice.

Gautam Bhatia