Whether or not this ‘rasa’ can be understood by the client or the users is difficult to know, but the users seem proud of the new Library. They see it as a ‘truly national product’ in contrast to the colonial legacy, claims the Aga Khan Award application

The director of the Library, having guided people around the building for the past three years, seems qualified to express the admiration of visitors: he said some have been moved to tears on seeing the quality and precision in the work, and the diligent maintenance of it. This impression can be confirmed by a visit to the adjoining Parliament Hall, which is not kept as neat as the Library. Someone said the building is changing the behaviour of users, an observation that could also be made at the new metro in Delhi. The Library is also seen as a progressive landmark for the country. Various conferences held in the complex have received regional and international attention, raising the profile of the whole city. Dozens of newspaper articles had high praise for the building at the time of its inauguration, increasing the public’s familiarity with it.

Source: Aga Khan Award-Contest application

Whether or not this ‘rasa’ can be understood by the client or the users is difficult to know, but the users seem proud of the new Library. They see it as a ‘truly national product’ in contrast to the colonial legacy, claims the an award application.

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