Drawing no. 101.ITF.59CB: (Part) Inner Elevation (Hall of Nations): 16 November 1971

A typical elevational module emerging from three nodes that sprouts into three inverted pyramids. The three inverted pyramids form the base that multiplies three dimensionally to create an elevational module that forms half of each face of the truncated pyramid. The geometry accommodates the triangular openings formed naturally on each side and corners of the elevational module.

(on the right) Construction photo of one face of the truncated pyramid form.

Source: Mehta, Vandini, Rohit Raj Mehndiratta, and Ariel Huber. "Hall of Nations and Halls of Industries, New Delhi, 1972." In The Structure – Works of Mahendra Raj, 152-179. University of Chicago Press, 2016

Mahendra Raj Archive

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