South Gate to Tombs

It is commonly believed that for burial at the tomb complex the body was brought from Golconda through an underground passage. The excavations at a depression found south of Ibrahim’s Tomb revealed an arched gateway within the enclosure wall that stands less than 500 m from the Golconda fortifications and would no doubt have been the referred entry to the tombs during burial ceremonies. The fact that the northern entrance of Sultan Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah’s Tomb, southern gate of the boundary wall of the tombs and the Patancheru gate of the Golconda Fort are more or less in the same alignment, further establishes the significance of this gateway over which stands a striking mosque. To the east of Sultan Ibrahim’s Tomb, another retaining wall with steps centrally aligned with the rear wall of the Idgah were discovered, suggesting the presence of a wider platform for the Idgah in the 16th century.

Aga Khan Trust for Culture

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  • 15. Deccan Park In Qutb Shahi Heritage Park: Conservation and Landscape Restoration, annual report 2015. Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 2015.