Bahcesehir University of Istanbul/Turkey and Mukogawa University of Osaka/Japan are pleased to announce 3rd International Conference on “Archi-Cultural Interactions through the Silkroad”, organized by the International Association of Silkroad Universities (iaSU), scheduled to take place at Bahçeşehir University in March 25-27 2015, in Istanbul/Turkey.

This conference intends to explore the range of cultural interactions of design with a special emphasis on built environment and its elements in all scales and practices within the broader geography and network of Silkroad -stretching from Europe to the Far East and Japan.

Silkroad is considered as a container and conveyor of knowledge; as a medium of interaction among different cultures. Going beyond the conventional explorations within the dichotomy of east and west; the variegated cultural and design practices of the Silkroad is intended to be discussed through close study of local dynamics and through the perspective of cultural interaction. Since interactions depend highly on cultural communication, this conference aims to initiate mapping networks, agents and examples of interactions mediating the dynamic and creative interfaces of the Silkroad; the unity and diversity of ‘design’ theories and practices within this special geography in perspective.

Designcan be described as a configuration of a medium of communication between designers and the rest of the world. Throughout this configuration all the elements of design are interacting at the same time to structure the design language. By keeping this statement in mind, the major aim of this conference is to enhance the awareness of cross/trans cultural interactions along the Silkroad beyond borders and to foster cultural exchange in present and future prospects, beyond sharing the knowledge of history within a large scope of theoretical, technical and practical approaches of design.

As in the past iasu conferences, the main intention is to provide scholars, researchers, and practitioners from across the Silkroad with an interdisciplinary milieu to explore and debate historical, contemporary and future problems relating to the fields of architecture, urban design, landscape cultures and practices, interior design, product design and art practices of the Asian countries. With the affirmation that design in all scales incorporates both space, its elements and culture; descriptive, comparative, critical and practical studies on theories, cases, experiences, and interrelations between different scales and elements of design through research and practices are open to scholars covering wide spectrum regarding inter-connections between culture and the fields mentioned above.

The THEMES on “archi-cultural interactions” will cover the followings

  • Design tools, materials and methods
  • Materials & methods of the vernacular
  • Conservation practices and adaptive re-use
  • Cross-cultural interactions in art and design
  • Sustainability and ecological concerns
  • Urban & rural practices
  • Landscape traditions
  • Human & environment relations
  • Sacred & secular spaces
  • Objects of cultural practices
  • Cultural acts of dwelling
  • Digital approaches and applications
  • Current dynamics and future prospects in design

This conference offers a unique opportunity for scholars, universities and research institutions representing different cultural identities of the Silkroad to exchange ideas, initiate collaborative studies and to develop new strategies for improving cross-cultural understanding and communication.