Navi Mumbai was supposed to be a fully functioning satellite city, but in practice it’s more like suburban sprawl.

The Panvel neighborhood continues to spread as apartment blocks pop up on the south side of the Kalundre River.
The Panvel neighborhood continues to spread as apartment blocks pop up on the south side of the Kalundre River. © The Megacity Initiative

Instead of easing congestion in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai has become a sprawling bedroom community for its larger twin. Real estate speculation now outpaces much-needed infrastructure improvements.

“Navi Mumbai did not develop in the way it should have originally, especially its commercial and administrative heart,” says Mustansir Dalvi, a professor of architecture at the Sir J. J. College of Architecture in Mumbai. “It ended up as a suburb of Mumbai. And it’s only now that one can say that it’s weening itself off the mother city. And not fast enough.”