Kanye West's plan to build a futuristic, egalitarian community that bridges low, middle and high-income housing1has hit a major roadblock ... and it could result in the prototype homes being torn down.

"several neighbors have complained to the L.A. County Dept. of Public Works, and after inspectors came out to the property, they determined the project violates the building code, and if Ye doesn't get the property permits by Sept. 15, the structures must be torn down."

An inspector that went out to the site was told by the site manager that "the domes were part of a 'production,' and they were temporary structures."


  • 1. A lot of sites picked up the news: ViceSlateForbesDwell. The idea seemed to be building momentum from an idea first pitched a year ago under the auspices of the company Yeezy Home architecture studio. In an interview filmed in May 2018, West talked about his ambitions to become, "one of the biggest real-estate developers of all time, what Howard Hughes was to aircrafts and what Henry Ford was to cars…."

    Source: Planetizen