New City: The City in the Sea

Young produces films, performances and objects with his think tank Tomorrows Thoughts Today. In this way, Liam Young shares his versatile knowledge of the contemporary city: he examines it, giving special importance to systems and technologies, as the city blocks and physical infrastructure determine the current urban development less than Wi-Fi reception and virtual communities.

Together with Kate Davis, Young also runs a nomadic workshop, Unknown Fields Division, exploring existing urban anomalies and wilderness in the present world, thus providing material for speculations on the urban realities of the future. Travelling with Unknown Fields Division provides him eye-opening knowledge of the backdrop of the contemporary city - its supply chains, such as huge data storage centers or vast nickel and cobalt mines that provide batteries for our digital gear.

One of Young's recent works, video installation New City is a vision of a future urban environment, the in-between of fiction and documentary, stitched together from pieces of the observed and analyzed post-human landscapes from Unknown Fields Division expeditions. It embodies Young's method of "exaggerating the present" and rather than attempting to create a dystopian image of the future city, aims to uncover the signs of possible futures that are already tangible today. ... Liam Young's recent piece Hello City! is a live cinema performance of Where the City Can't See - the world's first entirely data based fiction movie (directed by Liam Young and written by  fiction author Tim Maughan), set in near-future Detroit. Protagonists of the film move in a driverless taxi through the blueprint-like point cloud, through the data of the city, captured by laser (LIDAR) scanners.