BlocPower, is an energy retrofit start-up, a platform created by a group of young engineers that works with community leaders, institutions and apartment owners of residential multi-storeyed complexes in financially underserved urban areas and assembles four or more into non-profit “bloc” (group) of potential retrofits.

After a comprehensive energy audit of each property in the block a correct mix of high efficiency technology other modifications that will reduce each consumer’s energy consumption is suggested. The platform provides an opportunity to those concerned about climate change and job creation to invest on BlocPower online while those investors who provide upfront project financing are repaid out of energy savings. The retrofit in a block ranges from switching over to LED bulbs to modification of ventilation provisions in the buildings.

“Communities now understand the importance of energy efficiency and the switch over is easy as it means a substantial reduction in power bills”, says Thomas George, Chief Operating Officer of BlocPower. “It is sort of data crunching. Making use of city level and satellite data we have come up with a platform that means a lot for the communities paying huge power bills, for those concerned about impact of climate change on cities and for those seeking jobs. We are training educated youth from these communities to take up the retrofitting jobs”. The retrofit company has completed energy audit of about 200 buildings in New York city that includes places of worship, schools and residential complexes.

BlocPower is one of the several start-ups hosted at The Hub, created by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) and Grand Central Tech (GCT) for developing cutting- edge urban technologies in the bustling midtown Manhattan.