Session at the 16th EASA Biennial Conference: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe

The panel aims at gathering contributions inquiring the intersection of ageing and migration and its implications in today's Europe and beyond. Its themes include ageing within diasporas; intergenerational support within and across borders; gendered, racialized and sexualized experiences of ageing.

This panel examines the intersections of ageing and (trans)national mobilities in and beyond Europe, paying close attention to the spatial and life course aspects of the ageing process. It considers the implications of ageing in, out, and between places in a relational perspective, encompassing a diversity of ageing experiences in relation to gender, race, generations, sexuality and disability. It focuses on a multitude of ageing experiences - on the move (for instance, as a refugee or Roma population), as long-lasting diasporic trajectories, or as 'left behind' upon the migration of younger generations. The experiences of ageing of those who stay, move and settle in different regions of the world have important implications at the state, institutional and individual level, and raise important questions in contexts of re-structuring welfare systems, heightening of border controls and tightening of migration regimes. We welcome methodologically innovative papers addressing one or more of the following themes: welfare system and the challenge of ageing societies; intergenerational support within and across borders, including challenges to mobility and patterns of mobility and immobility across borders; care and imaginative mobility strategies; gendered, racialized and sexualized experiences of ageing; experiences of disability and/or loneliness in later life.


  • Marta Scaglioni (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
  • Dora Sampaio (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)


  • Alice Bellagamba