The research cluster “Trans­lo­ca­tions” at the Insti­tute for Art His­tory and His­tor­ical Urban Stud­ies at the Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Ber­lin is seek­ing to hire two postdoc­toral research­ers for its team. The pro­ject is fun­ded through the Gottfried Wil­helm Leib­niz-Prize of the DFG, awar­ded to Prof. Dr. Béné­dicte Savoy in 2016. The research cluster will study large-scale dis­place­ments of cul­tural assets from antiquity to the 20th cen­tury such as: art theft and spo­li­ation organ­ized by the state in times of war and occu­pa­tion, seizure of cul­tural goods dur­ing colo­ni­al­ism, dis­place­ments as a res­ult of a par­ti­tion of excav­a­tion dis­cov­er­ies or research exped­i­tions, mater­ial dia­spora of entire civil­iz­a­tions exped­ited by the art trade, and con­fis­ca­tions jus­ti­fied through ideo­logy, nation­al­iz­a­tion, or en masse dis­posal of private prop­erty. The key object­ive of “Trans­lo­ca­tions” is to com­pile a com­pre­hens­ive selec­tion of his­tor­ical find­ings in order to deliver ori­ent­a­tion and dir­ec­tion for deal­ing with the chal­lenges posed by this topic now and in the future. For fur­ther inform­a­tion on the research cluster see