ANALOGIC is a dimension that varies continuously as a variable, assuming an endless number of values.

The etymology of ANALOGIC originates from the union of two Greek words, “Ana” and “Logos”, which indicates “something similar” or “the same word”.

In recent years we are observing the weakening of the ANALOGIC architecture, which is molded into an endless proliferation of unique architectural objects that decline any fixed references.

  • ANALOGIC is the public space;
  • ANALOGIC is the relational space for citizens;
  • ANALOGIC is a composite procedure with a surrealist base, starting from certain events of the urban condition;
  • ANALOGIC is an alternative way to address the city, approaching imagination, intuition and personal interests;
  • ANALOGIC makes the city an artifact, an idea of type, architectural autonomy, and history as a collective imagination;

STUDIO # 18 ANALOGIC aims to understand how architecture negotiates its formal condition and its social role, asking itself: what are the ANALOGIC processes to use to dodge repetitions? What are the ANALOGIC methods to have a real force on the transformation of the city?

What are the ANALOGIC approaches in which architects can create a contemporary city?