According to Medcrave, in a smart city, an AI Platform tracks citizen’s habits, activities, and behavioral characteristics. Data and products can be personalised to meet and anticipate each user’s unique and changing needs. Each citizen will have one’s own digital personal assistant. Artificial intelligence can help governments handle their regulations monitoring by creating a natural language processing system to read through the legalities of regulations and reassemble the words into a set of computer-understandable rules.

As per Digit, in the recent times, IBM Watson has been partnering with Indian Government to bring Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the daily lives of its people. Sriram Raghavan, Director of IBM India Research said, “The key is to encourage certain schools and institutions to come forward and set precedence, which will work wonders in removing initial notes of inhibition among many about automated technology.” IBM Watson is a comprehensive AI solution that addresses the needs of various sectors, which is why it should be considered for implementation of smart cities.

For instance, the core platform is now being implemented in farmlands, to provide farm statistics, future predictions, and status of farm produce. Thus, it brings a cutting edge technology like Artificial Intelligence to the rural hinterland and empowers the end users – the farmers- with knowledge based decision making.

Attrition is a bugbear of Indian industry. IBM Watson’s integrated HR portals can make use of the algorithms to gauge attrition factors in office, and hence, reduce inefficient employment. They can also use this to design sound principles of hiring. This is just the tip of the iceberg when we consider the ways in which it can shape HR practices.
