
The site's actual name is the Experimental Structures Facility and it has been used from 1963 to 2009 by the nearby California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo, to invite architectural, engineering, and design students to build large-scale structures ranging from a chimneyed greenhouse to a geodesic dome. It is also home to the prestigious annual Design Village competition, in which teams of first-year students build and inhabit temporary structures in the canyon for the entirety of a weekend.


Student caretakers used to maintain the area, living on site in some of the permanent structures like the Modular House pictured above, which housed both the site's first and last caretaker. But, since 2009, their presence has been absent due to the underground electricity system being deemed unsafe. As a result, the area has been ravaged by vandalism in recent years, threatening the structures that have stood there for generations.

The school is currently taking certain measures to rehabilitate and repair some of the structures. The previously mentioned Modular House was recently renovated as part of a senior project and the school has been organizing Canyon Days in which volunteers help with painting, demolition, construction, landscaping and overall clean-up.
