This international conference will discuss interdisciplinary questions regarding the importance of cathedrals and mosques in the definition of memory and urban landscape in the medieval Mediterranean from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries.

Our research aims at analysing the role these two buildings played in configuring the urban fabric of the Mediterranean world. One of our primary objectives is to understand how these buildings defined medieval landscape and urban space. How did they modify and condition the social and functional organisation of their urban surroundings? What architectural features contributed to their place in civic memory (decoration, architectural style and building techniques)? We are interested in the place they occupy in their cities’ urban planning and topography. Our analysis will also focus on the specific functions of individual constructions and their social and symbolic impact.

We hope this conference will stimulate further reflection on the importance of written texts produced in cathedrals and mosques (including documents, manuscripts and painted or sculpted inscriptions). Moreover, the workshop provides an opportunity to discuss questions relating to the liturgical and visual memory of these buildings and the manner in which they reinforce their cities’ social and institutional imprint. Finally, we seek to understand how and when, within the geographic framework of Europe and the Mediterranean, these urban structures and places of Christian prayer were integrated on the Islamic stage and vice versa.

Thursday 23rd November 2017

9.30 Registration

9.45–10 Opening session

Plenary Lecture Chair: Gerardo BOTO (Univ. de Girona)

10.00–11.00 Keynote speaker: Philippe BERNARDI (Director del LAMOP–CNRS) – La question du chantier cathédral comme chantier économique urbain

11.00–11.30 Coffee Break

Section 1: Liturgical Memory in Iberian Cathedrals

11.30–12.00 César GARCÍA DE CASTRO (Museo Arqueológico de Asturias) Variaciones sobre el tema del Salvador y el colegio apostólico en la catedral de Oviedo. Aventuras y desventuras de una advocación

12.00–12.30 Marc SUREDA (Museu Episcopal de Vic) Litúrgia estacional medieval i memòria urbana en algunes catedrals i monestirs de Catalunya 12.30-13.00 Joan MOLINA (Univ. de Girona) La invención de la memoria. El culto de Carlomagno en la catedral de Gerona

13.00-13.30 Debate

13.30-15.30 Lunch Break

Section 2: Hagiographic, Devotional and Urban Memory in Mediterranean Cathedrals
Chair: Marc SUREDA (Museu Episcopal de Vic)

15.30–16.00 Fernand PELOUX (Université de Namur) Mémoire hagiographique et topographie urbaine dans les cités épiscopales du Midi de la France (XIIe – XVe s.)

16.00–16.30 Vinni LUCHERINI (Università di Napoli Federico II) La cattedrale di Napoli, le reliquie di san Gennaro, e le contraddizioni di un culto per la città.

16.30–17.00 Nicolas REVEYRON (Université Lumière – Lyon 2) Les cathédrales de Lyon et de Vienne, mémoire de Rome dans la ville médiévale

17.00-17.30 Debate

17.30h-18.00h Coffee Break

Workshop 1: Inscriptions as Acts of Commemoration in Cathedral Spaces Chair: Francisco José DÍAZ MARCILLA (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)

18.00-18.30 Vincent DEBIAIS (CESCM–CNRS) Las inscripciones del claustro de Roda de Isabena. Construcción del espacio y disposición de la memoria.

18.30–19.00 Debate

Friday 24th November 2017

Section 3: The Material and Memorial Inheritance of Mosques in Cathedrals
Chair: Isabel ESCANDELL (Univ. Illes Balears)

9.00-9.30 Jean PASSINI (EHESS-CRH) – Amalia YUSTE (UCM) De mezquita a catedral: patio, claustra, plaza

9.30–10.00 Francesca ESPAÑOL (Univ. de Barcelona) More christiano constructum. L’arquitectrura de les catedrals dels territoris peninsulars guanyats als musulmans.

10.00-10.30 Debate

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break

Section 4: The Topographic and Urban Inheritance of Mosques in Christian Cities Chair: Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)

11.00-11.30 Ferdinando MAURICI (Museo Regionale di Palazzo d’Aumale Terrasini-Palermo) Basilica bizantina, mezquita islamica, catedral normanda. El
caso de Palermo

11.30-12.00 Dolores VILLALBA (IEM-FCSH/NOVA) La mezquita en la ciudad almohade: reforma religiosa y urbana

12.00h–12.30h Debate

Section 5: The Impact of Cathedrals on Medieval Mediterranean Urban Landscape
Chair: Joan MOLINA (Univ. de Girona)

12.30–13.00 Anabel MORENO (Univ. de Girona) Imágenes y escrituras públicas: dispositivos de memoria en las ciudades medievales.

13.00–13.30 Marta SERRANO (Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona) – Gerardo BOTO (Univ. de Girona) Tarragona: la elaboración de la memoria arzobispal y la ocupación del espacio urbano de gestión municipal.

13.30-14.00 Debate

14.00-16.00 Lunch Break

Section 6: Cathedral Documents and the Survival of Urban Memory
Chair: Francesca ESPAÑOL (Univ. de Barcelona)

16.00-16.30 Francisco José DÍAZ MARCILLA (IEM- FCSH/NOVA) La catedral real vs. la catedral imaginada: las catedrales en la documentación y su contraste con la literatura (ss. XIV- XV)

16.30–17.00 Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-FCSH/ NOVA) Las bibliotecas capitulares constructoras de la memoria jurídica: algunos ejemplos significativos en el territorio mediterráneo

17.00-17.30 Isabel ESCANDELL (Univ. Illes Balears) La documentación de archivos episcopales: posibilidades y límites para la investigación

17.30–18.00 Debate

18.00-18.30 Coffee Break

Workshop 2: Transcendent Light in Cathedrals: Image and Remembrance
hair: Vinni LUCHERINI (Università di Napoli Federico II)

18.30–19.00 Marcello ANGHEBEN (Univ. de Poitiers) Una escenografía de la luz para el santuario de la catedral de Chartres: las vidrieras de las ventanas superiores y las funciones cultuales y eucarísticas del altar.

19.00–20.00 Round table

20.15 Closing Remarks


  • Institut de Recerca Històrica, Universitat de Girona
  • IEM – Instituto de Estudos Medievais /IEM-FCSH/NOVA – Lisboa

IN COLLABORATION WITH:  RECERCAIXA: Cathedral cities: memories, landscapes and identitarian heritage of Europe HAR2015-63870-R

SUPPORT: Officina di Studi Medievali - Palermo


  • Gerardo BOTO VARELA (Universitat de Girona)
  • Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)
  • Anabel MORENO GARCÍA (Universitat de Girona)
  • MINECO: SEDES MEMORIAE. Espacios, usos y discursos de la memoria en las catedrales medievales de la Tarraconense. I: Memoria institucional, legados personales


  • Maria Alessandra BILOTTA (IEM-FCSH/NOVA)
  • Sible DE BLAAW (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Gerardo BOTO VARELA (Universitat de Girona)
  • Jean-Philippe GENET (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne)
  • Monique GOULLET (LAMOP - CNRS)
  • Bianca KÜHNEL (HUJI)
  • Anabel MORENO GARCÍA (Universitat de Girona)
  • Nicolas REVEYRON (Université Lumière - Lyon 2)
  • Arnaud TIMBERT (Université d’Amiens)

RESEARCH TEAMS: TEMPLA Team (IRH-UdG) Cathedral Cities (UdG – URV)