From a theoretical point-of-view, azulejos (ceramic tin-glazed tiles) have been treasured in Portugal since the second half of the nineteenth century, especially through a perspective that increasingly highlights their unique specificity and identity. In fact, today, azulejo is acknowledged as one of the arts that most identifies Portuguese heritage. However, is this truly so?

Included in the month of the azulejo and in the celebrations of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, AzLab#42 aims to debate issues of identity associated with azulejos, focusing on three main points:

1. Azulejo: what identity(ies)?
2. The historiographical construction of azulejo as an art linked to identity
3. National identity: the place of the azulejo

1. Azulejo: what identity(ies)?
The Portuguese azulejo, as well as its use in Portugal, displays a number of very specific features that distinguish it from its international counterparts. Examples of those features, which are often mentioned by historiography, are: the endurance and age-old use of azulejo in Portugal; its architectonic incorporation along with the dialogue azulejo fosters with architecture and other arts; its constant adaptation and renewal, according to each period's taste and messages; its function as a medium for the Portuguese imaginary and iconographic programmes; the diversity of its iconographic sources and its reuse; its permeability to external influences and its inventive response ability.

This panel aims to debate characteristics that operate, or not, as elements that identify the Portuguese azulejo, favouring papers that take into account the soundness of these concepts and debate some of the points mentioned above or others that may be considered relevant in this context.

2. The historiographical construction of azulejo as an art linked to identity
The concept of identity is underscored in the main texts about Portuguese ceramic tiles since the middle of the nineteenth century. However, although the most important periods of this theoretical construction are known, a genealogy of the agents that played a role in the construction of the azulejo as an art linked to identity is yet to be done.

Panel 2 welcomes proposals that seek to analyse how the concept of identity associated with azulejo was built and how it intersects with the development of the concept of nation since the second half of the nineteenth century - when azulejos began to be acknowledged as a distinguishing factor of the Portuguese culture - until today.

3. National identity: the place of the azulejo
Is the fact that the azulejo might have its own specificity enough to make it a relevant element for the cultural identity of a country? Today the azulejo’s importance is acknowledged, namely because of how it distinguishes the national landscape, both by its physical presence and by its use as a medium for the Portuguese imaginary and a great number of other cultural and artistic displays, from fashion to cuisine. However, is this enough to make azulejos central to a culture’s sense of identity?

Several approaches have been followed over the last couple of years in different fields of expertise. Therefore, panel 3 welcomes papers that discuss the meaning of identity associated with azulejo in a wider context, enquiring into its role within Portuguese culture and, if deemed relevant, comparing azulejo to other arts, like music or literature, among others.


This one-day-conference invites proposals of up to 900 words (maximum - 500 minimum) for 15 minutes papers, followed by a period of debate. Proposals should be sent to redeazulejo at until the 5th of March 2018. Please also attach a brief biographical note (maximum 300 words) and 4 keywords. Selection of proposals will take place until 9th April 2018 and participants will be informed thereafter.

Articles for publication at ARTisON journal (see, must be submitted by June 4, 2018, in accordance with the specific guidelines sent to the authors. The participants will be informed until July 2, 2018. After the AzLab#42 a period of articles revision will be open until October 31, 2018.