Adding blocks of primary colors can really put the life back into old houses, shops, birdhouses, construction sites, and even parking garages...

More than 100 years after Piet Mondrian co-founded the De Stijl movement, the artist continues to be as popular as ever. As Nancy J. Troy argues in her 2014 book, The Afterlife of Piet Mondrian, collectors, curators, scholars, dealers, and the artist’s heirs helped to construct Mondrian’s legacy well after his death, oftentimes leading to the commodification of his works. In the long line of the Mondrian- and De Stijl-themed, there’s the iconic 1965 Yves Saint Laurent dress (and the many imitations to come after), as well as numerous handbagssneakerssockscakesfurnituremanicuresalbum covers, and everything in between.
