Editors: Daniel Dumitran, Valeriu-Eugen Drăgan

Possible Topics:

  • Demography and urbanism after the First World WarThe cities of Central and Eastern Europe
  • A new town for a new society? Projects of urban development after the year 1918
  • Architecture and urban landscape in interwar Central and Eastern Europe
  • Radical change or continuity? The cities of Central and Eastern Europe during the communist regime

We accept papers framed in the following fields: history, architecture, urban history, social history, but also in other fields of humanities and social sciences (in relation with the proposed topics).


June 30th, 2018 (for title, up to 100 words abstract, and a short biographical note);

October 1st , 2018 (for the final paper).

Contact: aua_historia at uab.ro; daniel.dumitran at uab.ro