This presentation scans and analyzes the increasing divergence of pathways and protocols available for doctoral level design research for architecture and related professions in the global context. With the increasing pressure of expectations for doctoral qualifications, much recent work has been done across global contexts to develop responsive and differentiated approaches to (mass) customization of the design doctorate. The design doctorate is specialized but also can go in many directions in its relation to epistemology and the multiple modes of evidence attending to design, plus also attention to distinctive design processes, the great range of possible audiences and users, concepts and theories within dual spheres of creative and critical thinking, the significance of interdisciplinary teams and co-design, digital humanities to automation to machine learning, the demands of the professions for responsive future practices, and increased expectations of social impact. In this presentation we will share snapshots of divergent recent models and structures - so as to raise questions about future possibilities for design doctorates.


Thomas Mical est actuellement professeur de théorie de l’architecture et doyen de la School of Art and Design à la Auckland University of Technology, Nouvelle-Zélande, qui compte 70 académiques et 1300 étudiants. Il a dirigé des programmes d’enseignement et de recherche dans diverses universités du monde, comme Georgia Institute of Technology, Illinois Institute of Technology, Carleton University (Canada), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of South Australia, et collabore avec plusieurs faculté d’architecture en Chine pour des programmes doctorals.