AGATHÓN, an Open Access International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design

The International Scientific Committee, AGATHÓN, an Open Access International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, for its issue n. 6 | 2019 that will be published in December, promotes the topic Resilience between Mitigation and Adaptation with the aim of collecting essays and critical reflections, researches and experiments, projects and interventions referred, on interscale terms, to the different dimensions of the man-made and natural environment, to which risk, fragility and vulnerability can no longer be dealt with individually by the traditional tools of sustainability, innovation, redevelopment or regeneration, but only through a systemic approach capable of supporting, integrating and fostering relationships between individual, group and community, cultural and multi/transdisciplinary competences (urban planning, architecture, representation, history, restoration and recovery, technology, design and communication, economy, sociology, psychology, etc.) thus integrating humanistic and technical knowledge.

More specifically, the main areas of interest concern:

  • Landscape and Territory Scale: as cross-disciplinary synthesis of systemic and integrated knowledge of the environment, in its natural aspects (natural and naturalized signs, natural network systems, etc.) and related to anthropic uses and transformations (networks and infrastructures, etc.); a resilient landscape policy must take into account, above all, the non-material interests and desires of the population, beauty, biological and landscape diversity, habitats, identification with the territory, etc.;
  • Urban Scale: the quality of cities requires complex strategies, both for intervention scales (structural and process interventions) and for fields of action (economic, environmental, social), to be continuously implemented over time and with respect of the characteristics of the contexts; the resilient city changes by designing innovative social, economic and environmental responses that allow cities to withstand the demands of the environment and history in the long run;
  • Architecture and Building Scale: to ensure a resilient approach, Architecture must absorb, on the one hand, the principle of adaptation (to contexts, climate, and risks), on the other the principle of degrowth and of limit, intended as saving/optimization of natural resources and minimum pollution in all stages of their life cycle; case studies and experimental creations represent their privileged interpretation;
  • Material Scale: the levels of innovation in building creation and the technological abilities to manage the transformation processes have changed the base scenario, entrusting the handling of the building process to the integration of the building construction project with the components and materials. By thematically contextualizing the definition of material compatibility, the interpretive keys include – but are not limited to – innovation, efficiency, quality, technique and vulnerability.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts to [email protected] is 3 September 2019.