The 8th biennial NORDES conference poses the question, “Who cares?”, exploring related questions, issues and propositions concerning responsibilities, relationships, ways of doing and directing design today.

Who cares?
This question is a provocation for design research. What do, or should, we care about in design and design research today? In the 2019 NORDES conference, we draw inspiration from notions of care as a lens through which to reflect upon and critique as well as potentially to refocus and redirect design and design research.

Possible themes include but are not limited to:

  • The who in care? Care, relations, empathy and what comes next
  • Care (in)action? Encounters, systems and institutions of care, welfare, healthcare
  • How to care? Care and care-ful materials, methods and processes in design and design research
  • Care, where? Design and peripheries, identities, minorities and commonalities
  • Care ethos and ethics? Purposes, philosophies and responsibilities in/of design

The submission categories include:

  • Full papers
  • Exploratory papers (short)
  • Workshops
  • Doctoral Consortium