With the appointment of Italo Balbo as governor of Libya in 1934, there was also an impetus of agrarian colonization of the territory. Thousands of Italian settlers moved to Tripolitania and Cirenaica, where many special villages were built for the Italians.

Homes, churches, schools, etc. were built in the style of Mediterranean rationalism, very popular in Italy with the fascist realm. Modernist, contemporary, interwar, cheap and easy-to-build buildings were the new Italian era in Libya. These colonies were built in the years 1936-1939, and the main architects of the buildings were Florestano di Fausto, Umberto di Segni and Giovanni Pellegrini.

The colonies were endowed with modern dwellings, all white and united in a unique complex of the village. The edifices were imposing, especially the religious ones, which represented the cultural and spiritual center of the entire community. You can see the influences of Roman architecture, mauresque and bauhaus. The Italian tradition is also involved in the structure of the villages and is based on the idea of the permanent support of peasants and farmers, so much promoted by the fascist propaganda.
