Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan

Computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) has evolved over the last decade due to environmental changes and rapid technological advancement. Since the so-called “super-smart society” is going to become a reality in the near future, CAAD is currently exploring its expanded new roles and approaches, such as generative design, additive manufacturing, smart buildings and cities, seamless simulations for evidence-based design, intuitive and interactive visualization for participatory design, digital twin, telepresence, robotic process automation, and digital conservation, in addition to the further upgraded architectural design and communication medium, which were its original major roles. CAAD also covers impact, transformation, and education for architects, designers, engineers, and citizens in the future architecture and building fields.

In this Special Issue, we seek contributions in the field of CAAD in a broad sense. CAAD covers interdisciplinary fields which include natural science, arts and humanities, and social science. We invite your submissions related to but not limited to the keywords below.

If you are not sure if your paper fits the focus of this Special Issue, please contact the Guest Editor.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomohiro Fukuda
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Taro Narahara 
Guest Editors