
Sir, the second clause that they want to amend is the power to supersede. I am grateful that the hon. Minister has acknowledged that unrestricted and unfettered powers to supersede should not be a part of the law. I am glad that at least there is some restriction on the Government to centralise authority. But, Sir, the power to supersede, to be followed up by a Commission of Inquiry, which Commission of Inquiry will have two members of the Central Government is, once again, the same thing. So, if the Government makes up its mind to supersede the body and appoints two people on that body, they can take any decision and come to a conclusion that this body needs to be superseded.        Sir, I would urge the hon. Minister to remove this
power to supersede. There are so many professional bodies. Sir, I am a Chartered Accountant. You cannot supersede my Institute of Chartered Accountants of India; you cannot supersede the Institute of Company Secretaries; and, you cannot supersede the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants.        Why then the Architects’ body should be subject to supersession by the Government? If there are malpractices, if there is action to be taken, there is a due process stipulated in the Act.