Ground Floor Plan: (1) Entrance, (2) Bathroom, (3) Entrance Room, (4) Boardroom, (5) Directors' Room/Lounge, (6) Courtyard, (7) Kitchenette, (8) Main Office, (9) External Space/Parking, and (10) Guestroom

The construction of the office building had to accommodate and expand previous foundations built for an out-dated project. Those foundations set parameters for spatial divisions, defining the overall width of the building and of the entrance, boardroom and directors room/lounge. Granite strip foundations are topped with a laterite plinth. On top of the plinth are 300mm thick masonry brick walls consisting of newly manufactured solid and hollow bricks, in a bond designed to permit airflow, reduce air temperature and lighten the building envelope. 

A Chatterjee, A Sumra & K Varambally

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