Registration free for third world candidates

The challenge is to design a health facility that can easily be relocated. This could be in response to a natural disaster, or to inoculate and educate in areas with specific medical emergencies or outbreaks, it will also help aid agencies that don't have the funds or means to purchase land, offering short term leasing opportunities. The setting is South East Asia where each year, 8 million people die from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that are largely preventable and often manageable. Unlike their developed-country counterparts, 30% of these people are aged less than 60. According to WHO this figure will increase by 21% over the next decade. The impact of infectious diseases in Southeast Asia is staggering. Malaria, for example, infected as many as 41 million people in the region in 2009. Demand for healthcare services in Southeast Asia is rising rapidly especially for those in rural communities where poverty makes people more vulnerable. Prevention, early detection and timely treatment through decentralised healthcare will lower death rates and improve lives.

Early Bird Registration: £75.00
Standard Registration: £125.00 (after 10th January 2014)

Early Bird Registration: £10
Standard Registration: £25 (after 10th January 2014)

Free to those entering from a developing country. We define developing countries as
one of the World Bank’s lower middle or low-income countries, a full list can be found at: