The SCAD School of Building Arts architectural history department invites submissions for the 9th Savannah Symposium.

The biennial Savannah Symposium series brings together scholars and professionals from a diverse range of fields to address an architectural or urban topic that is relevant to Savannah and to other parts of the world, as well as to other periods in history. The goal is to offer speakers and attendees the opportunity to interact with others who share an interest in the topic at hand, but who may be from a different discipline or field.

This year, the Savannah Symposium investigates the Architecture of Trade and features keynote presentations from Nasser Rabbat, Ph.D, director of the Aga Khan Program in Islamic Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Michael Hudson, Ph.D., president of the Institute for the Study of Long-term Economic Trends and professor of economics, University of Missouri, Kansas City.

City cultures, landscapes and architectures are inextricable from the force of trade, economics and the pursuit of goods throughout the long history of human habitation. Such cities as Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Istanbul, London, Mumbai and thousands of others along rivers, lakes and oceans have shaped and been shaped by global trade for centuries, if not millennia. While buildings have their own economies, such as the cost of labor, financing and material resources, they also tell a compelling story of how human beings interact through exchange across time and around the world.

The city of Savannah, beyond its famous squares, is home to the fourth-largest port in the U.S. Global trade is a force that has influenced Savannah’s architecture and economy for nearly 300 years. The 9th Savannah Symposium invites papers from multiple disciplines and scholars from around the world to examine the architecture of trade in our very own port city.

We are seeking a diverse array of papers to cover such real or imagined topics as port cities; trade routes and their building cultures; merchant dwellings; ore mines; trends in urbanization; housing; philosophies of capital, global warming and land use; post-industrial narratives; ancient, mercantile and colonial landscapes; food as commodity; renaissance financing systems; artifacts as collateral; the art collection as wealth; affluence and inequality as avant-gardism; gentrification as asset allocation; rentier capitalism; and the space and traces of the consumables that have shaped the global world.

How to participate

Interested contributors should submit a one-page abstract, 300 words maximum, and curriculum vitae to Patrick Haughey (phaughey [AT] and Robin Williams (rwilliam [AT]

Reference / Quellennachweis: CFP: Architecture of Trade Conference (Savannah, 5-7 Feb 15). In: H-ArtHist, Jun 21, 2014. <>.