Pakistan is facing severe economical crunch due to continuously growing gap between energy demand and supply. The shortage in power and gas supply has already halted many industrial sectors such as textile, small and medium enterprises and-local transportation. The government has spent US $ 9 billion on energy import during 2008-2009 to fulfill current energy requirements. Indigenous energy resources, mainly fossil fuels, are already being exploited at their maximum. Besides these short term steps, energy demand is expected to double during next decade. Thus, renewable and sustainable energy resources,. such as biomass, needs to be exploited so that a sustainable energy mix could be employed to ensure energy security. Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) has been successfully investigated for its potential to be used as a renewable feedstock for the production of biofuels. Hemp is an environmental friendly and low cost feedstock which grows wildly in most parts of Pakistan. Thus, hemp can be grown as a potential energy crop in Pakistan to meet its energy requirements by producing various kinds of biofuels. This sustainable feedstock will help the country to reduce its energy import bills, and ensure sustainable energy supply.