In Jakarta, Ciliwung Merdeka represents a collective body of emergent insurgent planning that has endured throughout the current neoliberal era and the authoritarian regime that preceded it. Within a movement tradition that recalls the Freirean influence on Indonesian societal transformation, the organisation challenges the technocratic state and its ‘rational planning’ ideology. Insurgent planning engages with society at large, laying claim to a fundamental role of participation in emancipation. Together with other Indonesian social-political movements, it helps open a path towards another kind of state, in which a more encompassing conception of right allows diverse materialisation of citizenship at the very local level.

西里翁·默迪卡(Ciliwung Merdeka)是在雅加达兴起的一个反叛式规划(insurgent planning)团体,这个团体在当前的新自由主义时代及之前的威权体制下一直存在。该组织属于一个让人们回想起弗莱雷对印度尼西亚社会变革的影响的运动传统,其对技术官僚国家及其“理性规划”意识形态提出了挑战。反叛式规划触及整个社会,号召群众参与一场根本性的解放运动。它与印度尼西亚的其他社会政治运动一起,有助于开辟通向另一种国家的道路,在这种国家中,更广泛的权利概念允许公民身份在地方一级的多样化实现。