Transitions of memory continues the activities of the Fossoli Foundation Study Centre along the lines of the previous Sites of Transit in Europe from WWII to the present. History, Spaces, Memories (2018) from which was taken the volume Camps of Transit, Sites of Memory. Past, Present, Perspectives about to be published by Peter Lang as part of the Cultural Memories series. The conference is rooted in the primary mission of the Fossoli Foundation, which is responsible for promoting research and preserving and conveying the history and memories of the Fossoli Camp and the places of memory in Carpi connected to it, the Museum and Monument to the Political and Racial Deportee in Carpi and the former synagogues.

Transizioni di memoria prosegue le attività del Centro Studi della Fondazione Fossoli in continuità con il precedente Sites of Transit in Europe from WWII to the present. History, Spaces, Memories (2018) da cui è stato tratto il volume Camps of Transit, Sites of Memory. Past, Present, Perspectives di prossima uscita presso Peter Lang nell’ambito della collana Cultural Memories. Il convegno si radica nella missione primaria dalla Fondazione Fossoli che si occupa di promuovere la ricerca e di conservare e tramandare la storia e le memorie dell’omonimo Campo e dei luoghi di memoria carpigiani a questo connessi, il Museo Monumento al Deportato politico e razziale di Carpi e i locali della ex sinagoga.