The Pantheons project’s first conference is concerned with the intersections of sculpture and various world religions at the cathedral between 1796 and 1916.

The conference will take the form of four respondent presentations followed by three panel discussions.

These panel discussions will be based on questions arising from short, ten-minute presentations by the panellists, available to watch in the week beforethe day of the conference.

The series of twenty presentations will be object-focused, on individual monuments or small, related groups of monuments, by key scholars in the field as well as clergy. The papers will be available in advance to watch at your convenience: further details will be posted here and on social media. As you watch, please email any questions you may have for our speakers to [email protected] , specifying who your question is for: these questions will form the basis of the panel discussions at the conference.

Links to the presentations will be sent out to ticket-holders the week before the conference.