The National Stereoscopic Association is happy to announce plans for a live convention. We seek scholarly papers on the history of stereography for our third annual “Sessions.”

Presentations are welcome on any aspect of stereo-media from the inception of stereoscopic photography to contemporary virtual and augmented reality. Topics include but are not limited to: historical and archival research; studies on collecting and the culture of stereography; marketing and incorporation; intersectionality; immersive media, interactivity and performance; stereoscopic perception; 3D cinema and virtual reality; instrumentality and simulation. Papers on topics from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century are invited.

Presenters may choose to present live or via a pre-recording. Please use the link to upload an abstract of 500 words, a biography of 250 words, and contact information:

Deadline for submissions: May 15, 2022.

Please be aware that conditions may change with COVID-19. Applicants for the “Sessions” and attendees are encouraged to check the website for the convention for updates.