The idea of the modern city continues to inform urban policies and practices, shaping ideas of what infrastructure is and how it ought to work. While there has long been conflict over its meaning and relevance, particularly in southern cities, alternatives remain difficult to identify. In this paper, we ‘read for difference’ in the policies and practices of sanitation in Kampala, purposefully looking for evidence of an alternative imaginary. We find increasing acceptance of and support for heterogeneous technological artefacts and a shift to consider these as part of wider infrastructures. These sanitation configurations are, at times, no longer framed as temporary placeholders while ‘waiting for modernity’, but instead as pathways towards a not yet predetermined end. What this technological change means for policies, permissions and socio-economic relations is also as yet unclear: the roles and responsibilities of the modern infrastructure ideal have limited significance, but new patterns remain in the making. Further, while we find increased attention to limits and uncertainty, we also see efforts to weave modernist practices (creating legible populations, knowing and controlling nature) into emergent infrastructural configurations. In this context, we consider Kampala not as a complete instantiation of a ‘modest’ approach to infrastructure, but as a place where struggles over infrastructure are rooted in competing, dynamic imaginaries about how the world is and what this means for the cities we build. It is also a place from which we might begin articulating a ‘modest imaginary’ that enables rethinking what infrastructure is and ought to be.

现代城市的理念持续地为城市政策和实践提供启示,塑造着关于什么是基础设施以及它应当如何运作的理念。虽然长期以来一直存在关于其意义和相关性的冲突,特别是在南方城市,但仍然难以确定替代想象。在本文中,我们在坎帕拉 (Kampala) 的卫生政策和实践中 “解读差异”,刻意地寻找替代想象的证据。我们发现越来越多的人接受和支持异构技术人工制品,并转而将其视为更广泛基础设施的一部分。这些卫生设施有时不再被视为“等待现代化”过程中的临时替代品,而是作为通往尚未预先确定的终点的途径。目前还不清楚这种技术变革对政策、许可和社会经济关系意味着什么:现代基础设施理想中的角色和责任意义有限,但新模式仍在形成中。此外,虽然我们发现人们越来越关注限制和不确定性,但我们也看到了将现代主义实践(创造清晰可见的人口、了解和控制自然)融入新兴基础设施配置的努力。在这种背景下,我们不是将坎帕拉案例视为基础设施的“适度”方法的完整实例,而是将其视为基础设施斗争发生的地方,这种斗争植根于一些关于“世界是怎样的”、“这对我们建造的城市意味着什么”的、相互竞争的动态想象。这也是我们可以开始清晰表述“适度想象” 的地方,这种想象能实现对于“基础设施是什么”以及“应该是什么”的再思。