Session Number:  26
Date of Debate:  3-Sep-1959
Debate Type:  Part 1(Question and Answer)
Debate Title:  Janata Hotel, Delhi
Members Participated:  HAR PRASAD SAKSENA
Question Number:  541
Question Type:  Starred
Questioner Name:  MAHESWAR NAIK
Page Number from to:  2772-2776
Issue Date:  30-Jan-2012
Appears in Collections: Part 1 (Question And Answer)


*541. SHRI MAHESWAR NAIK: Will the Minister of WORKS, HOUSING AND SUPPLY be pleased to state:

(a) whether the proposal to start a "Janata Hotel" in Delhi has been finalised;

(b) if so, what is the estimated cost thereof;

(c) whether the hotel will be altogether a Government concern or private capital and management are likely to be associated with the project; and

(d) what are the considerations which prompted Government to undertake a hotel of, this type?


SHRIK.C.REDDY): (a) to (d). There has been a keenly felt need since a long time for reasonably comfortable and comparatively inexpensive accommodation to the extent required for visitors to the Capital who cannot afford to stay in first class hotels like the Ashoka Hotel etc. or even in hotels in the lower categories. While rooms are available in places like Constitution House, Western Court and Kotah House etc. for officers on a reasonable rent, there is no similar convenience for the large number of non-official public who come to Delhi for various purposes, viz., for work connected with Government Departments, for employment, business etc. Government have, ^therefore, a proposal to construct a Janata Hotel building to meet this essential and pressing need. The cost of the building has not yet been finalised. The question of management and other aspects also have yet to be worked out.

SHRI MAHESWAR NAIK: May I know whether the Government have •decided upon the location of this hotel?

SHRI K. C. REDDY; Yes. Tentatively we have located a place for having the hotel building and that is near the Minto Road area, that is between Old Delhi and New Delhi, just opposite the Ramlila Grounds.

SHRI MAHESWAR NAIK: May I know what will be the capacity of this hotel and what will be the main features of this hotel as distinct from the hotels now run and managed by the Government?

SHRI K. C. REDDY: As I have already said, the details have yet to be worked out and they t are yet in the proposal stage. The intention is to provide for about 400 to 500 people. Some of the rooms will be of the dormitory type, some will be single-bedded and some double-bedded rooms and till all the proposals we have in view are finalised and the whole thing takes a concrete shape it will be (premature for me to give any more definite reply.

SHRI H. P. SAKSENA: The question that I wanted to ask has already been replied to, namely, regarding the locality. DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: Is it the intention of the Ministry to consult competent architects for the purpose of designing the proposed hotel?

DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: Is it the intention of the Ministry to consult competent architects for the purpose of designing the proposed hotel?

SHRI K. C. REDDY: Surely. We will consult architects and some others also who are connected with the hotel trade and people like that before finalising it. Architects will be consulted. DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: Is it the intention to consult merely the architects of the Department or other well-known, famous architects?

DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: Is it the intention to consult merely the architects of the Department or other well-known, famous architects?

SHRI K. C. REDDY: I have already answered the question. DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: What is the answer? MR. CHAIRMAN: Government architects. DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: May I draw the hon. Minister's attention to the fact that the Government architect's design of the hotels like Janpath Hotel is not very good and is it

DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: What is the answer?

MR. CHAIRMAN: Government architects. DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: May I draw the hon. Minister's attention to the fact that the Government architect's design of the hotels like Janpath Hotel is not very good and is it

DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: May I draw the hon. Minister's attention to the fact that the Government architect's design of the hotels like Janpath Hotel is not very good and is it not therefore necessary to consult others? I do not want my hon. friend to throw up his arms. I am asking a question. Therefore, would it not be necessary to consult really competent architects outside the official ones?

SHRI K. C. REDDY: I am sorry that the designs that have been approved till now of the Ashoka Hotel and Janpath Hotel to which the hon. Member referred, have not met with his approval. I can only repeat that we will consult all worthwhile architects. DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: Is he aware that the Janpath Hotel is so designed that it is impossible to get into the rooms in the monsoon time without getting soaked?

DIWAN CHAMAN LALL: Is he aware that the Janpath Hotel is so designed that it is impossible to get into the rooms in the monsoon time without getting soaked?

SHRI K. C. REDDY: It is a matter of opinion.

SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: It is not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.

SHRIMATI YASHODA REDDY: Has the Minister realized that even in respect of the first class hotels, he said he had asked the Government, architects to design? He says that they have done the best work possible and he does not believe in having the advice from private people. MR. CHAIRMAN: He did not say that.

MR. CHAIRMAN: He did not say that.

SHRIMATI YASHODA REDDY: I wanted to draw the hon. Minister's attention to the fact that even in the first class hotels like Ashoka Hotel you see flies streaming in and water coming all round the place. I am telling it out of experience. (Interruptions.) If he says 'no', I cannot help it.

SHRI K. C. REDDY: May I inform the hon. Member that (in the case of Ashoka Hotel it was the private architects who were consulted and it was the private architect's design that was finally approved?; In regard to the Rajghat Memorial design, it was again the private architects that were consulted. That is why I said we would consult either private architects or our own.

DR. RAGHUBIR SINH: The private architect might have, been a wrong selection by the Ministry itself.

SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: The hon. Minister Baid in answering . . . MR. CHAIRMAN: To a question.

MR. CHAIRMAN: To a question.

SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: .... whether one gets drenched or not, that it is a matter of opinion. May I know how it could be a matter of opinion rather than of fact?

SHRI K. C. REDDY: May I clarify? The question of being drenched is not a matter of opinion but whether the design is a correct, one or not is a matter of opinion.

SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: May I know whether the Minister has found out that t the people do get drenched when they go from the lounge to the rooms?

SHRI K. C. REDDY: We"wil find it out.

[SHRI Bhupesh Gupta rose]

MR. CHAIRMAN: Do not get excited on these questions. Why do you want to, ask another question?