International conference organised by the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

Ludwig Hilberseimer (1885–1967) is regarded as a leading theorist of modern architecture, especially of functional urban design. This image continues to influence today’s view of the architect, urban planner, and teacher. His later development, which had its starting point at the Bauhaus Dessau from 1928 onwards, received little attention for a long time. Only in recent years has the diversity of Ludwig Hilberseimer’s oeuvre been examined anew: his art criticism in Sozialistische Monatshefte in the 1920s, the emotional intensity of his early years in exile in Chicago, and the ecological urbanism of his late creative phase.

Surveys of the work of Ludwig Hilberseimer were published in issue number 27 (1986), edited by Vittorio Gregotti, of the journal Rassegna and in the volume In the Shadow of Mies: Ludwig Hilberseimer; Architect, Educator, and Urban Planner (1988) more than thirty years ago. The international conference Hilberseimer: Infrastructures of Modernity attempts to discuss the totality of Hilberseimer’s work in its breadth and relevance to the present.