Position offered by Department of History of Art and Architecture and the College of General Studies at the University of Pittsburgh

The Department of History of Art and Architecture (HAA) and the College of General Studies (CGS) at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for a full-time Teaching Assistant Professor (TAP) whose teaching would support majors in both units and the shared general education curriculum. The Department of History of Art and Architecture has a robust undergraduate program that supports three majors in the History of Art and Architecture, Museum Studies, and Architectural Studies. The College of General Studies hosts a related major in Media and Professional Communication. This permanent position, which is outside the tenure stream, may be renewable based on need, funding, and performance.

We are seeking a capacious thinker and innovative teacher whose scholarship engages the histories of art, architecture, design, digital media, and/or visual communication. The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences has recently implemented a Digital Studies and Methods certificate at the undergraduate level (DSAM). CGS offers a Digital Media curriculum within its Media and Professional Communication track and certificate. We seek a colleague who will contribute to and advance these digital initiatives across schools. In HAA, the TAP will teach a course that meets the core foundation requirement for the DSAM certificate, either “Digital Humanity,” “The Viral Image,” or a comparable course of their design that would expand this curriculum. The TAP will be encouraged to develop another course that builds on their areas of expertise and expands the current offerings of the department.

The Teaching Assistant Professor (TAP) will teach the equivalent of three (3-credit) courses each fall and spring at the undergraduate level (6 courses per academic year). Two courses per semester will be taught fully online through the CGS and the other will be an in-person, synchronous course taught in the History of Art and Architecture department (requires on-site and in-person teaching). The TAP will also be expected to mentor undergraduate students beyond the classroom as appropriate to their educational needs, and to provide service to HAA and to CGS, to be arranged with the Chair and Dean, respectively.